Since Abington Christian Academy is a private, not-for-profit school, it is funded by tuition alone. We have, therefore, depended on the generous support of people and institutions who are inspired by our educational vision to give. Current projects we invite you to help us with will improve the quality of our education while greatly facilitating the work of our faculty and staff.

Donations may be made by check, Paypal (with all of their options) or at ACA. We thank you for investing in ACA!
2022 Fundraising Projects
$5,000 – Arts & Music
$2,500 – Playground Fund
$3,000 – Digital Marketing Campaign
$1,500 – Soundproofing between upstairs classrooms
$3,500 – Computer Lab Build-Out
$2,150 – Expand Special needs program
$17,750 – Fundraising Goal
Parents, teaching staff, and students of Abington Christian Academy have
certainly done their share through the years to support the work of the school.
The result is a tradition of regularly recurring fund-raising projects that they,
and many members of our community look forward to each year. These
memorable – and successful – activities are strategically scheduled throughout
the seasons of the school year.
Golf Tournament
Rummage Sale
Purses for a Purpose (Always near Mother’s Day!)
5k Fun Run